Saturday, October 11, 2014

For he had Great Possessions

As we drive down the busy streets of Virginia it seems that there is a never ending stream of cars trying to get from one destination to another. So many busy people going so many different places. I've seen more mustangs, porches, corvettes, ect. the past year, than I had seen the first 19 years of my life. Looking at the expensive cars is very exciting and sometimes I dream about how cool it would be to have a car like that. The cars are so shiny, fast, sparkly, and just seem like they would bring some joy into people's lives. As we continue to drive down the street I see something else that is pretty regular occurrence. It looks like this........

In an instant that shiny expensive car is of little worth. People are saddened as they see there pride and joy slowly loaded onto a tow truck and carefully hauled away. As I have seen this type of situation happen over and over, I'm reminded of a story from the Bible.
A rich young ruler comes to Christ and asks what he needs to do in order to obtain eternal life. Jesus answers and goes through some of the commandments. The young man says that he does all of these things. Christ then says. " If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." I think that sounds like an amazing opportunity. Christ told this young man exactly what he needed to do in order to have eternal life and not only that but to have treasure in heaven. It is interesting how the young man responds. In Mathew 19:22 it says, " but when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions."

As I first read this story I couldn't help but pass judgment on this young man. In my head I was thinking, the rich young man asked a specific question and got an amazing answer. Christ told him what he needed to do and not only that but he told him some of the blessings that would come from it as well. I was baffled at why the young man would pass up such an opportunity, but as I took a step back I realized that we all have more in common with the rich young ruler than I thought.

Life is constantly competing for our attention. We sometimes base our happiness on things that are of temporal worth and value. We may be living a great life just as the young ruler. We are keeping the commandments and wanting to improve, but are we willing to "sell all that we have?" I hope we will all examine our lives and think of things we can give up in order to find eternal happiness and heed the Saviors invitation to "Come follow me."

Saturday, August 30, 2014

From Mountain top to Metro

The Book of Mormon is the key stone, the tangible evidence that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. The truth of the Book of Mormon rings true whether being discussed underground as a metro swiftly passes by, or on a quiet serene mountain top. I love the opportunity I have to share this book with so many people in so many settings knowing the incredible promise at the end of the Book of Mormon is true. If people will ask with a sincere heart, having faith, and real intent, this one simple book has the ability to change lives and build a foundation in Christ that will not fall.

 A few weeks ago our mission had the opportunity to attend the Washington Nationals baseball game as part of day of service. As I think back to the Nationals game I can see in my mind swarms of people in red attire, intermingled with elders in white shirts and ties and sisters in skirts, all of which were prepared and excited for the baseball game. The image that sticks in my mind most vividly is of a single, dimly lit, passing metro car. 

All around me I could see several missionaries distributing copies of the Book of Mormon, pass along cards, and pamphlets with the new friends they met. We arrived at the first metro stop and people quickly departed off the metro. The metro cars were left fairly empty since most people were headed to the game, but as it pulled away I saw something that left a picture in my mind that will last forever. The metro was passing and through the dimly lit window I glanced and saw a girl sitting by herself flipping through her newly given book of Mormon. In my mind time froze. I don't know what is in her future; neither does the missionary that gave her the book. The one who does know is God. The brief moment she spent with the missionary may have been the start of a new life for her, a happier life, a life with the fullness of the gospel. I love that a common phrase throughout the Book of Mormon is "Come unto me." I know no matter the setting whether it be in a crowded metro or the wide open spaces of the outdoors we can all play and intricate part in helping others come closer to Christ and feel of his love. 

Come Unto Christ SONG :) (click)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Because I knew you

Throughout our life journey there are many other travelers that pass us by, coming in and out of our lives. It is incredible how Heavenly Father places people in our lives in the very moment we need them. Some of these people may just be a passing smile in a grocery store while others become a new best friend. I heard once that we are each others "People Angels." Often times we don't know the difference a simple compliment or friendly greeting makes in another person's life.

I love a song from the musical Wicked called "Because I knew you." In the Chorus it says, " Because I knew you, I have been changed for good." In this wonderful experience of a mission I have met many people that have made a positive impact on my life. Meeting new people has become a daily adventure that I cherish. Some of my fondest memories and greatest friends have come from the companions that I have had the opportunity to serve with. Before my mission I was fairly worried about being with someone literally 24/7, but now I have come to see it as one of the greatest blessings of my life. Just as the song states each one of them has become a friend and has changed my life for good. I was grateful to get a picture with all my companions. They are wonderful sisters who became a part of my journey.

I hope each of us realize the difference, big or small, we can make as a traveler in each others journey, and that someone can say about you " Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

Saturday, July 5, 2014


This Week I received a letter in the mail from my wonderful cousin Wade, who is a missionary in Arizona. What a wonderful surprise it was to get a letter and along with the letter he sent me an amazing picture of Christ.  The name of the picture is “Guardian.”

The back of the picture describes the inspiration for the piece of art. It says, “Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem for his last Passover. I envision Jesus’ expression reflecting a mixture of emotions: A kind smile, pleased to be acknowledged for who he really is. Compassion for his followers whom he loves so dearly. And yet, a far-off look in His eye as He contemplates what will be required of Him at the end of the week. The cheering will turn to jeering as He fulfills His divine mission.”

As I contemplated the picture I felt a wave of gratitude and compassion come over me to know that Christ truly is my guardian. There are moments in my life where I feel overwhelmed by the task ahead of me and the obstacles before me seem impossible to overcome; but when I remember my Savior my feelings begin to change. The incomprehensible love he had led him to fulfill his great mission, allowing him to know exactly how to help each and every one of us with our individual challenges. I am grateful that Jesus Christ is my guardian.  I hope I can look to the future with peace and determination. Knowing as I follow Christ’s example and trust in his Atonement, I too can fulfill all that God sent me here to do.

Please comment and share how Christ has been your guardian, and what that means to you. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Forever a Daddy's Girl!

He was the first boy that stole my heart
 And I knew he loved me from the start.
 He taught me hard work from a very young age
And supported me through every stage.
Fun times we had fencing, 4wheeling, and such
These are memories I treasure very much.
Countless summer fun we had at Bear Lake
Dad would even grill a mighty fine steak.
Raising 4 girls was no easy chore
After these years you'd think he'd like shopping more.
Lots of princesses, pink, and glitter
Having no boys he was never bitter.
He was there through the smiles and the tears
He’s been the best counselor all of these years.
He was always there when push came to shove
Nothing can replace my father’s love.
He is a father, hero, and friend
And I’m a daddy’s girl till the very end.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Seize every opportunity

A few days ago we started our normal morning routine, but that day I witness something that caused me to reflect on the importance of living every moment and never letting an opportunity pass to show and express love to others.

As we pulled out of our apartment complex we saw lots of flashing lights and commotion going on ahead of us. Clearly there had been an accident earlier that morning. At first all I could see was a big green semi. As we passed through the intersection I glanced back and I saw the front of the Semi was slightly dented. I looked closer and then I saw the devastating  remnants of a black SUV. The windshield was completely shattered and the passenger side of the car was so smashed it was basically non-existent. This scene was instance where my stomach immediately dropped and I wanted to immediately reach out and let those close to me know how much I love and care for them.

Isn't it interesting these devestating moments are the times that remind us we need reach out to others. Life is so busy and distracting with work, school, sports, hobbies, and everything else that comes with life! There are so many things pulling people in so many directions it is hard to accomplish much of anything. Then in an instant all of that can be taken away. Life is such a precious gift and is so short. As I saw the car accident I realized again the importance on focusing on the things that matter most and have eternal value, not getting to caught up in trivial matters of every day life. Though me must all work through the hustle and bustle we should always take the time and make the time to love and serve one another. In this last general conference President Monson referenced a poem that touched my heart. It said :

I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind.

I hope we each seize EVERY opportunity to reach out in love to those around us friends, family or strangers, and let them know how much we care!  

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Two Roads Diverged.......

As I was out and about a few days ago I came upon these two paths. It
instantly took me back to the great times of Jr High when I had to
memorize the poem by Robert Frost. As I gazed upon these two paths
leading into the forest the I began recalling these familiar words,
"Two roads diverged in a Yellow Wood and be one traveler long I stood
and looked down one as long as I could..........."  then the final
words of Mr. Robert Frost " And I I took the one less traveled by and
that has made all the difference" I find these  last words hopeful and
yet open ended. The path he took is vaguely described he did not say
the path was easy or difficult, fun or boring, rich or poor, but in
the end it made ALL the difference.

Each of us in our lives come to the cross roads where we must decide
which path to take. We stand before our fate and we as the traveler
may stare down the paths as far as we can but yet we cannot see the
end. We do not know exactly what lies before us, but we do know that
whatever path we choose will made all the difference in our lives.

There is comfort as we face this perplex situation. There is one who
does know what is at the end of the path. He is our Heavenly Father.
He wants the best for us. Although it may not always be easy his path
in the end will be the one that leads us to true joy.  As we live in a
world of shifting values Heavenly Father's path is the one that is
less traveled by. Many take the easy looking path, aimlessly following
the crowd. When we as the traveler make the resolve to follow down the
less traveled path it will make all the difference in our lives. It
may still have it's struggles and hard ships but when we get to the
end of the path we can look back with a smile and reflect on the day
we decided to embark on the journey down the path less traveled by.
The choice is up to you!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Special shout out to my Hero

Every child has their favorite superhero. The hero can do those things that the child thinks are impossible and imaginable. The kids look up to their heroes with beaming eyes and wish they could have powers just like them.  
I know someone that could find things that I thought were lost forever, seemed to be able to triple task, and was there through smiles, laughs and tears. She truly became my favorite super hero, she is my Wonder Women, but she is more commonly known as my Mom.  

I’m beyond grateful for my mom. I don’t know of anyone who has more love than that of a mother. I love the quote from President Abraham Lincoln “ALL THAT I AM OR EVER HOPE TO BE, I OWE TO MY ANGEL MOTHER.” I’m forever indebted to my mom. I will never be able to repay her for all the many things she taught me and more importantly the unconditional love she has showed me throughout my life! She is an angel, a taxi driver, mystery solver, dress up specialist, chief, express mail writer, cheer- leader, counselor, teacher, best friend, but my favorite title of all is my Mother!!!

Thanks for all the mom's that are truly the superheroes of this world!! 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Journey to find me------->

I take a look inside myself
I’m amazed at what I see,
 Surely I must find, what is it that makes me, me?

Though when working right
My heart & mind are in sync,
 But it seems right now, I have a missing link.
Now more confused than from the start
 I continue on my journey,
For surely I must find, what is it that makes me, me?  
A little thought grabs my mind
As I start to explore,
A little voice says look inside, there, you’ll find more.
 I think of God & his gifts
The ones he gave to me,
Little by little step by step, I begin to see.

He gave me ears that I might hear
 And listen to a friend so dear.
 He gave me eyes so I might see
A picture perfect sky for me.
 Or may my eyes see a lonely soul
To brighten someone’s day, is a worthy goal.
He gave me hands for many reasons
Willing hands serve in every season.
 I hope my hands also reach out
 To those whose world is full of doubt.
He gave me feet so I may run
When helping others, ones feet are never done.

He gave my mind so I might think
When I hear a prompting, I hope I never shrink.
He gave my heart as a spectacular creation
Oh the things I may feel, during my mortal probation.
A heart can feel in an instant
The words I love you, no matter what the distance.
So as I took my journey
To see what made me me,
It’s only when I looked out, I began creating me.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

How could he truly know me?

There is a song that touches my heart portraying the realness of Christ sacrifice relating to me personally. It starts off “He lived 2000 years ago so how could he truly know me. How can he know the heartache I feel when he lived a perfect life? Then I hear the words ringing true. From the garden to the cross he walked a mile in my shoes.” These words sunk deep into my heart, and during this Easter season we get to celebrate the incredible event that took place at the end of Christ life that proves hope, peace and second chances for us all. This significant even is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

As the song said it started in the garden. Christ completely alone suffered in agony more than we will ever comprehend. In Alma 7:11 we read the variety of ways Christ suffered for us in the Garden of Gethsemane. He is the one person that knows exactly how we feel. Whenever I’m going through a hard time I try to think of his unconditional love and I find peace knowing that he knows exactly how I feel. If I choose to come unto him he can make my burden light. After Christ suffered in Gethsemane utterly alone, he was then taken before Pilate and we know the ringing words from the angry people, that would lead him to his death “CRUICFY HIM.”


Then Christ after much cruelty was lead to Golgotha. Here he finished the work he came to do and died for us all.

Now as we are celebrating this Easter season we know that his death at Calvary was not the end. The final step of his Atonement gives hope and life to us all. Death is not on the end. On the third day Christ was resurrected, his body and spirit reunited forever, never to be separated again, giving us the victory over death.


Because of his matchless love we can clear the insurmountable trials of life and find the strength we need to press forward. We can trust in the happy days ahead.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Through Small and Simple Things....

 A little while ago I was having “one of those days.” I'm sure all of you can relate. I felt like poor Charlie Brown with my little, black, rain cloud floating above my head. It just seemed that nothing was going my way. I decided I should say a little prayer before we headed out for the day. I expressed my frustrations to my Heavenly Father, and then we went out to face the day with less than an optimistic attitude. As we were driving to go do service, into my head popped one of my favorite songs I learned in primary… A Child’s Prayer. I continually sang that song in my head as I drove “Pray he is there, speak he is listen YOU are his child.”

Once we got to the place where we do service I was assigned the task of sorting shoes into the right sizes.  It was a fairly easy job that allowed me to continuing thinking about the many opposing feelings I had going on in my mind. I was in my own little zone when all the sudden I hear a little “tink.” I looked carefully on the ground to see what could possibly have fallen out of the shoe. As I scanned the floor I found this little gem.

Now most days I would have thought "Why the world is there a heart shaped paperclip in a shoe that seems rather random", but on this occasion this little heart shaped paperclip meant the world to me. Although small and looking pretty insignificant to me it showed me that Heavenly Father was aware of me. Just as the song I had been singing I knew He was there and listening. He knew that a little paperclip heart would be just what I needed to brighten my day and feel of his love!

I hope we recognize the tender mercies in our lives, whether it is simply the strength to keep preserving or a little heart shaped paper clip. We can be assured we are children of Heavenly Father who loves us perfectly!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Don't miss the Silver lining in the clouds of today.

As a young girl I was very fond of the movie Annie. One of my favorite songs was Tomorrow. On occasional dreary days I hear the echoing words of the little red head girl, “The sun will come out tomorrow.” It is true, the future is bright and there are good things to come, but we must not be so consumed with the sun tomorrow that we miss the silver lining in the clouds of today.

A few weeks ago in a conference we were all given a marshmallow, then we were told to examine the marshmallow as if it were the very first time we were seeing it.  I found this little exercise to be interesting wondering why I was staring at a little marshmallow.  I really tried to cooperate with the exercise and began to really look at the marshmallow what it looked like, felt like, smelled like and so on. Then he told us to put it in our mouth and to see how it changed. Never in my life had I put so much thought into one little insignificant marshmallow. He went on to explain we usually only look at things in life for our benefit. For example; usually when we look at a marshmallow we think about it tasting good for us, but we never think that that marshmallow is an independent object that we can observe without having to think about it only for our benefit. 

I have realized living in Virginia how one can easily be caught up in the race of life and begin to overlook the beauty of the moment. People are going 100 mph in 100 different directions trying to accomplish their many demanding responsibilities. In such a fast paced life it is easy to get caught up and forget the things that matter most, but as we apply the marshmallow concept and look at the beauty and wonderful things in the world around us, we will have an increased gratitude and appreciation for our Heavenly Father and our wonderful lives. 
  I hope we can all take time to enjoy the moment and not just wait for the storm to pass but learn to dance in the rain.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Follow Mr. Cat's example of determination

Well I couldn’t resist using the picture of this determined little Cat as part of a weekly wonder.

This rather chilly day we were knocking on a door as this little grey cat came trotting around the corner and stood at the door. ( For our Purposes we will name him Mr. Cat).  He sat meowing for a few seconds but quickly came to the conclusion that the two sister missionaries he was staring at were not going to solve his problem of getting out of the cold back into his cozy home. With a quick turn of his head and more determination in his eyes, he bounded up to the door and stretched out his little paw reaching for the door knob with all his might. I was quite impressed with the little guy who knew the door knob was what stood between shivering outside in the bitter cold or cuddling up on a nice warm couch. Mr. Cat was putting in effort and determination. In the end it would be his master that would ultimately let him back into the house so he could enjoy the comforts of his home.

This short scenario with Mr. Cat caused my mind to race of the many commonalties between my little cat friend’s problems and the problems and challenges that we face every day. Many times we are stuck on the outside of the door and must make the same choice as Mr. Cat, Will we persevere or will we ( meow/ complain) and give up?  When we feel like we will be in the cold forever, the task at hand seems impossible, and all hope seems lost, WE MUST KEEP TRYING! As we show our valiant effort and do our part we can remember that Christ's Grace will carry us through our darkest days and deepest trials. If we will continually do our part to persevere and let Christ in, he will be by our side and will bring us out of the cold so we may enjoy peace and comfort once again.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What is your one word???


So we are a few months away now from the time when we all made our wonderful New Year’s resolutions. I’m guessing many of us have forgotten, misplaced, or lost motivation about those ambitious goals we set. We started the year with a nice list thinking 2014 would be the year. Now as we approach the end of March some of us may no longer have the drive/ motivation we did January 1st, do not fear my friends!

Yesterday we got to go to a wonderful sisters conference and learned something I found to be a unique idea to umbrella those New Year’s resolutions. Now this is not something I came up with please forgive me for forgetting the man that said to do it, the idea was passed to me through the grape vine by one of our mission leaders. So instead of making an enormous list of goals, pick ONE work that you want to have, become, do ect, and that word defines your 2014 year. These words can be anything your little heart desires. Some may have the word try, another could be hope, another intellect. The possibilities are endless. By picking one word to motto the year by you no longer have to become discouraged by the never ending list of goals. Instead there is one simple word that you’re striving to implement for your year. It will be awesome as the years go by to see how your words change and how you change.

Some of you may have thought of a word right off the bat as you read this; others may take a little time and meditation. As you’re contemplating on your word make sure you look deep into yourself to figure out which word is going to help you, then look out and get prepared to take on the world haha. ( keep thinking of your word because I want you to share.)

The word I chose is PASSION.

Growing up I had a great passion for basketball and volleyball. I absolutely loved the practices, games, competition I loved it ALL.  My world pretty much revolved around my sports. In the summer I would go to camps and try to stay in the gym as long as I could. I constantly begged my dad to take me to shoot some hoops. Once the specific sport season would come around I would eat sleep and drink it up. I thrived off of the competition. I loved the adrenaline that came in games and the feeling of success after the many long hours of practice I put in. Sports were my life then the day came when I graduated. aahh The  many life lessons and endless, wonderful memories stayed with me, but that chapter was over and it was time to move on.

I choose the word passion because I want to have passion for life. I realized that in the book of life each chapter comes to an end but another outstanding chapter begins. I want to institute the same amount of passion in life as I had for sports. To really live in the moment not being caught up in the glory days of the past or the unexpected mysteries of the future, but I want to have an absolutely love for life in the moment. So no matter what part of my book of life I’m in, I will have a passion drive and motivation!

From this Blog I want you ALL COMMENT on the blog or on facebook and share your 1 WORD!!!!!! It will be awesome to see the different words that everyone chooses for these last 9 months of 2014! Even if you heard of this and started it in January please share your word to help inspire others.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Rain drops and Roses Whiskers on kittens... these are a few of my favorite things..

My name tag I wear with Honor
I enjoy teaching others about Heavenly Father
 I love wearing Christ's name on my chest
My job is definitely the best!

Next my shoes who are so dear
To my little feet they've been sincere
For the many miles they've had to walk
The stories they would tell if only they could talk

Of course this book I love with all my heart
So many great things, I don't know where to start
 Written anciently the words they say
I know were written for me today
It keeps me on the right path
Until I will return to God atlas

And last but not least I love my Savior
Who's truly my friend and not a stranger
 I love My Savior Jesus Christ
For all man kind he paid the price
His life he so willing did give
Allowing all of us the gift to live
He is a perfect example of how to be
I want others to see his light through me
So here is a poem because I'm unable to sing
Just wanted to share a few of my favorite things!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

You don't know if you don't Go.

This week my thoughts flashback to the glorious days of high school volleyball. I hold the memories and life lessons close to my heart. Playing Volleyball was no trivial matter. In order to play we would have to run a 5k in under 30 minutes, know how to do LOTS of double jumps, and being willing to put our whole heart into the sport. Volleyball required hard work, dedication, and discipline. The gym became one of my favorite places to be, as I spent numerous hours practicing and learning principles that would guide my life forever. Of the many wise words my coach said to me the one I want to reference to day is “You don’t know if you don’t go.”   I can vividly recall the situations in which this phrase would be used. I will try and paint the picture for you. 

Right after school we would get all dressed in our practice gear and head into the gym, knowing it was time to get to work. We then would begin to play some intense games and do hard drills, knowing the consequence for losing would mean an ample amount of double jumps could be in our future.  The ball would be served a beautiful pass turned to a perfect set, then a quick slap would be heard as the ball begins to plunge with great speed to the other side of the court. The player on the other side tries their best to dig the ball but as the ball contacts their arms it quickly shanks and begins to fly across the gym. Now the odds of someone running and actually getting the ball back into play would be slim to none, but this was absolutely no excuse. If we stood and watched the ball fall to the ground making no effort, we would hear the famous words immediately from coach saying “You don’t know if you don’t go!” We quickly learned to never assume any ball was too far away or any excuse would be good enough to make up for our lack of effort.  We also learned that often times what seemed impossible was in fact the opposite, and we could surprise ourselves at the maneuvers we could make to get a ball back into play.

Now as I look back I realize how that phrase does not only apply to volleyball but to my everyday life. There are always tasks that seem impossible. Often times it is easier to think of the endless list of excuses saying why trying would appear pointless, instead of making the effort to act.  I'm forever grateful for the wise words of my coach ingraining in my head to never underestimate the impossible. As I have applied that phrase to my everyday life, I see how important effort truly is. When we put forth our best effort and put our trust in the Lord, we can see miracles as we GO!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wonder how snow=friends?

One of my favorite days in Virginia is Pre-storm days. On Tuesday as we were out and about, everyone was warning us of the treacherous snow storm that was coming to slam the East Coast. This information is extremely helpful seems how we don’t watch the news. All day Tuesday people were asking if we had enough bread, milk, and the basic grocery necessities to survive the storm.  As we would drive by any grocery store the parking lot was packed full, as people were preparing for the snow. Now you have to realize on the east coast the snow shuts everything down, it’s not like Utah where you drive whether you can see or not.

Wednesday Morning we woke up to a WINTER WONDERLAND!!
  Every car in the parking lot was stuck in place. Then slowly people began to slip out of their apartments, bundled up, and ready to rescue their vehicles.  Some people had shovels other used Tupperware, while one boy following his mom’s orders came with his dustpan.  We were told we could not drive, so we put on or service clothes bundled ourselves up and set out to help in the act of freeing the cars!

All the cars in the parking lot were very close together so, in order to have proper snow removal etiquette, we would have to make a little snow barricade between the cars.  It was actually really fun shoveling and we met lots of our neighbors.
I realized again all the wonderful people that are in the world. It is amazing how much everyone at our complex followed the commandment of “love thy neighbor.” Through the snow we came together sharing shovels, stories, and making new friends.  It is interesting, one neighbor was Muslim, another Catholic, some nondenominational, but we all came together knowing that love is one thing we all have in common. Despite the differences we may have in beliefs, one thing that unites us all together is love, and the desire to serve one another especially in times of need.  I hope we can all follow the example and counsel of President Thomas S. Monson:


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wonder how one little boy has truly inspired me?

I found this quote that made me really ponder. How are people inspired? 
 I then thought to an experience I had earlier this week. On Mondays I have the wonderful opportunity to go and help a little boy named Christopher. He is the sweetest kid in the whole wide world. He is someone that is instantly your friend and you love him from the moment you say hello. Christopher has some special needs but he does not let that get in his way at all! This week we did spelling words, read Thomas the train, and played with his little Chungington train set. We did spelling words with scrabble pieces.  Christopher does an incredible job at going the extra mile and never making excuse. We were so impressed by his outstanding focus and sincere desire to be independent. Anytime we would go to grab a piece for him he would say, “ I can do it.”  Christopher is someone that has inspired me because of his incredible determination. Reading and spelling do not come extremely easy to him but he puts in outstanding effort in order to succeed.  Although I thought I was going over to help Christopher he has influenced my life more than he will ever know. At times when I think to myself this task is too difficult, or maybe I should just turn back I’ll never accomplish these goals, I have the image of little, determined Christopher in my mind. He has a very optimistic outlook on life that truly helps me see what is important in life. 

Now at the end of this week I am again am reflecting on how can I be more like Christopher? In my life I am often motivated for the moment but do not keep the driving force to change my life.  The definition of motivation is providing with or effecting. When people have motivation it is for some goal, and once the goal is achieved the motivation is gone. To inspire is much more. It is a deeper, more sincere desire to change. When one is inspired they are touched in their hearts and have a genuine determination to become something. Through my experience with Christopher I was inspired. I not only was motivated to be positive but my heart was truly touched. I hope to develop some of the attributes that Christopher has such as; love, patience, happiness, humility, and determination. I learned from him to take the cards that I have been dealt in life and then play the best hand I possibly can.

 Through the light we share and the lives we live, we can help to inspire others “because of us they didn’t give up.”

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wonder how 1 announcement changed my life?

As I sat with some friends waiting for Saturday morning session of the LDS General Conference to start, how could I know that an announcement from the Prophet of God would change my life and the lives of so many others? President Thomas S. Monson made the historic announcement that young women could now go on their missions at age 19 and young men at 18. When I heard it, I was so excited I instantly was on my phone talking to friends about serving a mission. After a lot of praying and pondering, I decided that serving a mission was something I wanted to do. I filled out the application to serve a mission, and was called to The Washington D.C. South Mission! The months between the announcement and my departure were a blur; I stayed very busy preparing for a mission, spending quality family time and finishing my year at USU. The day quickly arrived for me to head to the East coast, leaving the West for the first time in my life. Slightly nervous, a little sad, but most of all excited. I said goodbye to my family and for a short 18 months headed into a new chapter of my life. To go and share the truths about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Now here I am, enjoying life in Northern Virginia. The life style here is very different than what I was used to in little ol’ Rich County, Utah. I went from miles of sagebrush country life where there are probably more cows than people to a crazy busy lifestyle where people are ALWAYS on the go. I have met people from more countries than I knew existed. I love it and the many things that I am learning. J 

There are so many moments in my life where I have a light bulb moment and so many things I wonder about. Life is a rollercoaster full of ups and down and sometimes some loops. I wonder, if we take a moment to look back, can we realize all the ways that God’s hand has been in our lives? I decided to start this blog to share experiences in my life reflecting how every day or past experiences can point us toward Heavenly Father and relate to the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ.  As I have served a mission there are so many things I have learned. I think back to the place I call home, the quiet little Town of Bear Lake.  There are so many experiences that I had growing up where I never realized how Heavenly Father was teaching me all along. It is so wonderful to look back and recognize how the experiences we have shape us and mold us into the people God wants us to be; how everyday experiences can relate so much to the gospel! All of us have a story with an unwritten end. My desire is to help others relate to me and the experiences I have had. How the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the details of our lives.