Saturday, June 14, 2014

Forever a Daddy's Girl!

He was the first boy that stole my heart
 And I knew he loved me from the start.
 He taught me hard work from a very young age
And supported me through every stage.
Fun times we had fencing, 4wheeling, and such
These are memories I treasure very much.
Countless summer fun we had at Bear Lake
Dad would even grill a mighty fine steak.
Raising 4 girls was no easy chore
After these years you'd think he'd like shopping more.
Lots of princesses, pink, and glitter
Having no boys he was never bitter.
He was there through the smiles and the tears
He’s been the best counselor all of these years.
He was always there when push came to shove
Nothing can replace my father’s love.
He is a father, hero, and friend
And I’m a daddy’s girl till the very end.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Seize every opportunity

A few days ago we started our normal morning routine, but that day I witness something that caused me to reflect on the importance of living every moment and never letting an opportunity pass to show and express love to others.

As we pulled out of our apartment complex we saw lots of flashing lights and commotion going on ahead of us. Clearly there had been an accident earlier that morning. At first all I could see was a big green semi. As we passed through the intersection I glanced back and I saw the front of the Semi was slightly dented. I looked closer and then I saw the devastating  remnants of a black SUV. The windshield was completely shattered and the passenger side of the car was so smashed it was basically non-existent. This scene was instance where my stomach immediately dropped and I wanted to immediately reach out and let those close to me know how much I love and care for them.

Isn't it interesting these devestating moments are the times that remind us we need reach out to others. Life is so busy and distracting with work, school, sports, hobbies, and everything else that comes with life! There are so many things pulling people in so many directions it is hard to accomplish much of anything. Then in an instant all of that can be taken away. Life is such a precious gift and is so short. As I saw the car accident I realized again the importance on focusing on the things that matter most and have eternal value, not getting to caught up in trivial matters of every day life. Though me must all work through the hustle and bustle we should always take the time and make the time to love and serve one another. In this last general conference President Monson referenced a poem that touched my heart. It said :

I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind.

I hope we each seize EVERY opportunity to reach out in love to those around us friends, family or strangers, and let them know how much we care!