Saturday, March 29, 2014

Don't miss the Silver lining in the clouds of today.

As a young girl I was very fond of the movie Annie. One of my favorite songs was Tomorrow. On occasional dreary days I hear the echoing words of the little red head girl, “The sun will come out tomorrow.” It is true, the future is bright and there are good things to come, but we must not be so consumed with the sun tomorrow that we miss the silver lining in the clouds of today.

A few weeks ago in a conference we were all given a marshmallow, then we were told to examine the marshmallow as if it were the very first time we were seeing it.  I found this little exercise to be interesting wondering why I was staring at a little marshmallow.  I really tried to cooperate with the exercise and began to really look at the marshmallow what it looked like, felt like, smelled like and so on. Then he told us to put it in our mouth and to see how it changed. Never in my life had I put so much thought into one little insignificant marshmallow. He went on to explain we usually only look at things in life for our benefit. For example; usually when we look at a marshmallow we think about it tasting good for us, but we never think that that marshmallow is an independent object that we can observe without having to think about it only for our benefit. 

I have realized living in Virginia how one can easily be caught up in the race of life and begin to overlook the beauty of the moment. People are going 100 mph in 100 different directions trying to accomplish their many demanding responsibilities. In such a fast paced life it is easy to get caught up and forget the things that matter most, but as we apply the marshmallow concept and look at the beauty and wonderful things in the world around us, we will have an increased gratitude and appreciation for our Heavenly Father and our wonderful lives. 
  I hope we can all take time to enjoy the moment and not just wait for the storm to pass but learn to dance in the rain.


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