Saturday, April 12, 2014

Through Small and Simple Things....

 A little while ago I was having “one of those days.” I'm sure all of you can relate. I felt like poor Charlie Brown with my little, black, rain cloud floating above my head. It just seemed that nothing was going my way. I decided I should say a little prayer before we headed out for the day. I expressed my frustrations to my Heavenly Father, and then we went out to face the day with less than an optimistic attitude. As we were driving to go do service, into my head popped one of my favorite songs I learned in primary… A Child’s Prayer. I continually sang that song in my head as I drove “Pray he is there, speak he is listen YOU are his child.”

Once we got to the place where we do service I was assigned the task of sorting shoes into the right sizes.  It was a fairly easy job that allowed me to continuing thinking about the many opposing feelings I had going on in my mind. I was in my own little zone when all the sudden I hear a little “tink.” I looked carefully on the ground to see what could possibly have fallen out of the shoe. As I scanned the floor I found this little gem.

Now most days I would have thought "Why the world is there a heart shaped paperclip in a shoe that seems rather random", but on this occasion this little heart shaped paperclip meant the world to me. Although small and looking pretty insignificant to me it showed me that Heavenly Father was aware of me. Just as the song I had been singing I knew He was there and listening. He knew that a little paperclip heart would be just what I needed to brighten my day and feel of his love!

I hope we recognize the tender mercies in our lives, whether it is simply the strength to keep preserving or a little heart shaped paper clip. We can be assured we are children of Heavenly Father who loves us perfectly!


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