Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wonder how one little boy has truly inspired me?

I found this quote that made me really ponder. How are people inspired? 
 I then thought to an experience I had earlier this week. On Mondays I have the wonderful opportunity to go and help a little boy named Christopher. He is the sweetest kid in the whole wide world. He is someone that is instantly your friend and you love him from the moment you say hello. Christopher has some special needs but he does not let that get in his way at all! This week we did spelling words, read Thomas the train, and played with his little Chungington train set. We did spelling words with scrabble pieces.  Christopher does an incredible job at going the extra mile and never making excuse. We were so impressed by his outstanding focus and sincere desire to be independent. Anytime we would go to grab a piece for him he would say, “ I can do it.”  Christopher is someone that has inspired me because of his incredible determination. Reading and spelling do not come extremely easy to him but he puts in outstanding effort in order to succeed.  Although I thought I was going over to help Christopher he has influenced my life more than he will ever know. At times when I think to myself this task is too difficult, or maybe I should just turn back I’ll never accomplish these goals, I have the image of little, determined Christopher in my mind. He has a very optimistic outlook on life that truly helps me see what is important in life. 

Now at the end of this week I am again am reflecting on how can I be more like Christopher? In my life I am often motivated for the moment but do not keep the driving force to change my life.  The definition of motivation is providing with or effecting. When people have motivation it is for some goal, and once the goal is achieved the motivation is gone. To inspire is much more. It is a deeper, more sincere desire to change. When one is inspired they are touched in their hearts and have a genuine determination to become something. Through my experience with Christopher I was inspired. I not only was motivated to be positive but my heart was truly touched. I hope to develop some of the attributes that Christopher has such as; love, patience, happiness, humility, and determination. I learned from him to take the cards that I have been dealt in life and then play the best hand I possibly can.

 Through the light we share and the lives we live, we can help to inspire others “because of us they didn’t give up.”

1 comment:

  1. Sister Lamborn, I love your post. Christopher is my son but he continues to inspire me everyday to keep going even though I am ready to give up sometimes. I am very blessed to be his Mom.
