Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wonder how 1 announcement changed my life?

As I sat with some friends waiting for Saturday morning session of the LDS General Conference to start, how could I know that an announcement from the Prophet of God would change my life and the lives of so many others? President Thomas S. Monson made the historic announcement that young women could now go on their missions at age 19 and young men at 18. When I heard it, I was so excited I instantly was on my phone talking to friends about serving a mission. After a lot of praying and pondering, I decided that serving a mission was something I wanted to do. I filled out the application to serve a mission, and was called to The Washington D.C. South Mission! The months between the announcement and my departure were a blur; I stayed very busy preparing for a mission, spending quality family time and finishing my year at USU. The day quickly arrived for me to head to the East coast, leaving the West for the first time in my life. Slightly nervous, a little sad, but most of all excited. I said goodbye to my family and for a short 18 months headed into a new chapter of my life. To go and share the truths about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Now here I am, enjoying life in Northern Virginia. The life style here is very different than what I was used to in little ol’ Rich County, Utah. I went from miles of sagebrush country life where there are probably more cows than people to a crazy busy lifestyle where people are ALWAYS on the go. I have met people from more countries than I knew existed. I love it and the many things that I am learning. J 

There are so many moments in my life where I have a light bulb moment and so many things I wonder about. Life is a rollercoaster full of ups and down and sometimes some loops. I wonder, if we take a moment to look back, can we realize all the ways that God’s hand has been in our lives? I decided to start this blog to share experiences in my life reflecting how every day or past experiences can point us toward Heavenly Father and relate to the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ.  As I have served a mission there are so many things I have learned. I think back to the place I call home, the quiet little Town of Bear Lake.  There are so many experiences that I had growing up where I never realized how Heavenly Father was teaching me all along. It is so wonderful to look back and recognize how the experiences we have shape us and mold us into the people God wants us to be; how everyday experiences can relate so much to the gospel! All of us have a story with an unwritten end. My desire is to help others relate to me and the experiences I have had. How the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the details of our lives.


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